
St. Xavier’s School, Jamnagar is an educational institution run by the Catholic minority community and recognised by the Department of Education, Gujarat State. It is managed by the Congregation of Carmelites of Mary Immaculate (C.M.I.) through a registered body ‘Deepak Mandal’, Jamnagar. The School imparts instruction to students from NURSERY to Std. X in English and Gujarati media. It has also Higher Secondary Classes in English Medium for Science & Commerce Streams.

The School is primarily meant to provide sound education based on religious and moral values to the Catholic children. Still other pupils may also be admitted with due respect to their religious feelings and freedom of conscience. A course of Religious instruction, including the fundamental duties of man to God, oneself and fellow men, is imparted to the non-Catholic students.

The school aims not merely at preparing its pupils to qualify for the different Board Examinations but also at developing their character and personality through graded responsibility, personal guidance and social awareness, thus moulding them into efficient, skilful and patriotic citizens of our country.

With this end in view and guided by the Christian principles, the school makes a careful selection of the students from those who apply for studies and demands of them high standards of ideals and achievements.

No Leaving certificate will be issued, unless applied for it in the proper form by the parent or guardian after all the dues have been cleared. Fees are due as long as no notice of withdrawal is given.

If the Leaving Certificate is not asked for within one year a fee of Rs. 5-00 will be charged for each year. Duplicate Certificates will be issued ordinarily when the application is supported by an ‘affidavit stating reasons and a fee of Rs. 70.00 will be charged.

Irregular attendance, habitual idleness, disobedience to or defiance of authority, lack of sufficient improvement in conduct and studies even after warnings or conduct injurious to the moral tone of the school are sufficient reasons for the dismissal of a student. The decision of the principal in this matter is final.

As regular attendance is an important element for successful school work. Nobody should absent oneself from class without serious reason. Parents and guardians must state clearly the reason for the absence such as serious sickness and unavoidable circumstances. Failure to do so invalidates the application and renders the pupil liable to sanction.

Leave of absence must be countersigned and attested by the Principal or Vice-principal in the ‘Leave Record’ of the Handbook. Half-day leave will not be granted to students. Once they come to school they have to attend the whole session (day). They are not allowed to go out of the school campus during the school hours including recess. In case of serious illness, the Principal must be informed of it within five days, providing him with a physician’s certificate, and a leave application from the parent.

The absentees shall enter the class only after the leave note is countersigned by the Principal / Vice Principal. The late – comers will not be allowed to attend the classes. Uncertified absence for more than 15 days without leave renders a student liable to be removed from the rolls and usual admission fee will be charged if he/she is readmitted.